Welcome to Memorial Lutheran Church!
We're glad you're here.
  • What about Children?
    • Children are always welcome in worship and Sunday School. 
  • Where to park?
    • Parking is available in the lot along Penn Street immediately behind the church building. There is also a small parking lot available in the alley perpendicular to Penn Street. Most people enter the church from the parking lot.
  • What to wear?
    • Dress for worship varies from men in suits and ladies in dresses to more casual slacks and shirt or blouse. We value your presence more than your clothing.
  • What are the Worship Services like?
    • Worship is a rather traditional Lutheran liturgical service following the church year. Our worship is designed to be participatory.
    • The format is four-fold.
      • Gathering - announcements, sharing of the Peace of the Lord, prelude, confession and forgiveness of sins, hymns, and prayer of the day.
      • Word - readings from scriptures (usually according to the Revised Common Lectionary) include lessons from the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible, a Psalm, New Testament and a gospel lesson; Children's sermon and adult sermon; Apostle's Creed or Nicene Creed may be said; and Prayers of the church.
      • Meal - Holy Communion is celebrated in each Sunday Worship Service. Anyone who has received communion in another church is welcome to the Lord's table at Memorial. Children who have not yet received their first communion are invited to receive a blessing. Lutherans believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and the wine (grape juice), His body and blood.
      • Sending - hymn and blessing. We are dismissed to continue our worship and service in the world.